Google Ads for Brand Awareness: Beyond Clicks and Conversions


Google Ads: What Is It? Google’s advertising system, known as Google Ads or Google AdWords, allows advertisers to place bids on specific keywords to have their clickable ads show up in Google search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search. Dont get worry, you dont have to do it all for yourself. You can contact different agencies like the brain souls for your help. In thsi blog, we will explore how google ads work for brand awareness. 

How To Use Google Ads For Advertising?

Companies can register for a Google Ads account in order to advertise on Google. Go here to find out more about maximizing the use of Google Ads. Alternatively, refer to our “How to Use Google Ads” infographic for a tried-and-true route to Google Ads success.

AdWords may or may not be beneficial for your company, depending on how competitive the keywords you are bidding on are and how relevant they are to actual conversions for your business. As long as they don’t waste money on the wrong keywords or create poor, low CTR ads, we’ve found that Google AdWords is generally very effective for a wide range of businesses.

The price of Google Ads advertising for your company can vary depending on a number of factors. Explore all of these expenses, the mechanics of bidding, and the typical cost per click for advertisers by reading our guide, “How Much Does Google Ads Cost?”

How Does Bidding for Google Ads Operate?

Your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score) determines where your ad will appear in real life. The first ad position is awarded to the highest ad rank. The next highest ad below your ad rank divided by your Quality Score will be your actual CPC. You pay your maximum bid per click if you are the sole bidder or the lowest bidder in the Google Ads auction, otherwise this rule is not applicable! Advertisers with low quality scores incur heavy penalties when bidding on AdWords. On the other hand, people with high Quality Scores see lower CPC and higher ad ranks.

Since your rivals are probably bidding on your own brand terms, you should even be bidding on them in order to steal these clicks—after all. Also, these clicks are typically extremely inexpensive. The expert agencies like brain souls help you to bid on the most relevant keywords. 

Furthermore, it can take a while for your content to rank—and occasionally, it never does—when you want to target new keywords in organic search. However, you can use PPC to immediately target new keywords and quickly ascertain whether they will be valuable and profitable for you.

Google Ads Traffic Is Not Getting Converted For My Brand

  1. Is Your Account Organised Well?

Advertisers who don’t see conversions frequently have accounts that are in terrible shape. It’s possible that they are focusing on keywords that are extremely broad, irrelevant, or have terrible quality scores. They most likely have a tonne of irrelevant terms in their ad groups and are not blocking searches with negative keywords.

  1. Are You Missing The Dynamic Keywords?

“eBay’s Google Ads strategy appears to be to pick every possible word in the dictionary and run them on Dynamic Keyword Insertion,” claims Larry Kim, highlighting the obvious issue with eBay’s Google Ads account. Using Google Ads’ dynamic keyword insertion feature, you can make your ad as relevant as possible and boost click-through rates by dynamically inserting a Google search query into your ad. If executed correctly, this tactic can yield great results; however, eBay abused DKI by bidding on pointless keywords and combining them with DKI.

  1. Are You Running Relevant Ads?

Yes, indeed! It’s important to emphasize relevance when it comes to Google Ads. Your landing page and your ads must match for your keywords to work. If you went to a landing page featuring hats instead of a shoe website while searching for new trainers, you would probably click away and lose trust in that particular brand. Although this advice may seem apparent, you’d be surprised at how many people combine a lot of keywords into one group and direct the searcher to a particular ad that isn’t directly related to the keywords they searched for, ultimately leading them to their homepage. It makes sense why there aren’t any conversions!

  1. What About Your Landing Pages?

Marketers frequently find it difficult to accept this. Let go of some of your pride and accept the possibility that your landing pages aren’t that great. I am aware that you paid a contractor to make them or that you spent countless hours designing them. So, if you’re getting clicks but not conversions, there might be a problem with your landing page. Learn about best practices for redesigning your landing pages, and don’t be scared to test different iterations of a page using A/B testing. The outcomes might surprise you!

  1. Are You Remarketing?

You can’t always rely just on search traffic to generate conversions, particularly when dealing with B2B companies that have longer sales cycles. You must proceed further with it. Remarketing is the simplest and, in my experience, most effective way to achieve this. Visitors to your website will be tracked with pertinent offers as they navigate around. Tell them again that you are present. People today have ADD when it comes to browsing, so you need to emphasize your brand and the necessity for them to purchase your goods or services. 



Google AdWords is a reasonably priced advertising option that enables you to target qualified, in-market prospects. With proper management, it can provide a strong return on investment and increase leads and sales for your company. Even with a stellar SEO profile, research indicates that including Google Ads advertising increases search engine click-through rates significantly. Thus, give up giving reasons! As long as you work hard to do it, Google Ads can be effective. Since people are naturally lazy, accept this and start acting differently to start expanding your business through sponsored search.